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Knowledge Base Articles

Classification: UK Trade Tariff

UK Trade Tariff Description UK Trade Tariff also known as UK Integrated Tariff is a ten digit commodity classification code system based on the EU TARIC (TARiff Integre Communautaire). Codes are assigned to imported and exported goods in order to id...

Classification: HTS

HTS   Description The Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) is the primary resource for determining tariff classifications for goods imported into the United States. HTS classifies a good based on its name, use, and/or the material used in its constructi...

Classification: ECCN

ECCN   Description An Export Control Classification Numbers (ECCN) is a five character alpha-numeric designation used on the Commerce Control List (CCL) to identify dual-use items for export control purposes. An ECCN categorizes items based on the n...

Classification: UNSPSC

UNSPSC Overview The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code is a classification convention that is used to numerically identify all products and services. It is the most efficient, accurate and flexible classification system available tod...

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