on 06-22-2023 05:51 AM
How do I add users?
Once you have access to your account, you can setup and invite additional users to your account via the user admin section.
Click "Admin -> Manage Users"
To add a new user under your company profile, click Add User. You will then see an Add User dialog asking for the email address of the new user that you wish to invite:
Click OK to send the email invitation to the new user.
How can I change my password?
In order to change your password, you will need to provide your current password, as well as your new password and a confirmation of your new password:
Password Policy
Password requires at least 9 characters in length and that at least three of the following four character types are present:
Hello @1WSCGomez, thank you for your FAQ entry. Is it possible to add a user as non-Admin user? I cannot figure out how to do that.
Thank you for this relevant question. In ContentCast, no alternative roles exist for a user. Users have access to all the features of their account without distinction. We have named it "Administrator" to reflect that there were no restrictions. We hope this helps and wish you a pleasant day.