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Are the reporting dashboards available when data is being refreshed?

  • There will be a 30 minute downtime between 7:30-9:30PM PST every Monday.   

Can I export a particular chart or table?

  • Use the “Dashlet” icon on top right within each chart/table which allows you to export either as a PDF or an Excel document


Can I export the Dashboard?

  • Yes, use the export icon on the top right menu that allows you to export the current view as a PDF


How do I navigate between the different dashboard views?

  • Use the folder icon available on the top right menu to view and selecting the specific report


How frequently is the reporting data refreshed?

  • The data is aggregated and refreshed once a week, every Monday around 7PM PST

How is the average interaction rate calculated?

  • It is the average interactions count per impression that has more than one interaction. Sum of interactions / Impressions that triggered an interaction

How is the interaction rate calculated?

  • Rate of impression with any interactions. Impressions triggered any interaction / Sum of Impressions

Is there a custom date range filter?

  • Not currently

What filters are available?

  • Depending on the report you are currently on, you may see the below filters

    • Year
    • Month
    • Partner
    • Product
    • Program
    • Country
    • Language

What is considered an interaction?

  • any user interaction with rich content. For example, clicking/hovering an image in the media gallery, clicking video play button etc.

What is Viewport?

  • Viewport metric in the 1WorldSync Reporting represents how many times the content comes into view on the user's screen.
    Viewport Rate is the calculated percentage.

What reporting dashboards are available?

  • Three views are currently available

    1. Overview - Provides an executive overview with ability to filter by Year, Month, Partner, Country & Language
    2. Inline Traffic by Partner - View inline content impressions and interaction stats broken out by Partner
    3. Inline Traffic by SKU - View inline content impressions and detailed interaction stats broken out by SKU

What reporting data is available for YouTube videos?

  • We can currently track all play/stop interactions.

What type of reporting data is available?

  • ContentCast Partners can access their reporting metrics by logging into the portal and clicking the Reporting tab. There are number reports available that can tell you the content impressions, traffic, popular product trends and content interaction rates.

When was the reporting data last refreshed?

  • The last refreshed date is available In the ‘Overview’ tab on the bottom right

Why is reporting showing "No data was returned. Try changing filters"?

  • "No data was returned. Try changing filters." will appear when you have no reporting metrics available based on the current criteria.

    1. Try removing all filters.
    2. If you have no filters applied, this means that we have yet to receive any requests or impressions for your account. This can happen if you have a fairly new account.
      1. If you have a link to a partner site where your content is properly appearing but not seeing metrics, please Contact Support
      2. If you don't have any partners live with your content yet, we recommend executing some marketing campaigns on your website or via email campaigns to attract more partners.


Version history
Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎06-22-2023 05:42 AM
Updated by: