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Can I build content for products outside of CE/IT or DataSource?

  • Yes. The Inline Content Builder does not restrict content to specific types of products or categories. We designed the tool to be flexible and to work for ANY product that uses an identifier.

Can I build customized content for a specific retailer or partner?

  • Yes, if the retailer partner has a custom part number or identifier that is specific to them, you can build the customized content for the partner and assign the retailer-specific part number to the content.

Can I include content links to more product information or tools in my product page?

  • We do not allow outside linking from product pages as this is one of the baseline agreements with our syndication partners that we will not do this. Adding outside content links can lead webtraffic away from a partners' website so any content must be hosted within the page itself.

Can I reference or use hyperlinks or URLs to information on an external site?

  • Inserting hyperlinks or references to external sites are not permitted within the content you build.

    Pages are QA’d and verified before they are published, so any content that contains hyperlinks or externally hosted content will not be published and may delay content going live.

Can I use HTML content when I am building a page?

  • You can use text that is wrapped in HTML formatting tags (such as bold, italics, line breaks, paragraph breaks), however the only formatting that will be recognized are those that are supported in the portal.

    Fonts can only be formatted to italic, bold and underline but the font itself cannot be changed and the default fonts of the retailer site are used. This ensures all the content delivered into the retailer pages are consistent with the look and feel of the site.

How are the video thumbnails generated?

  • The video thumbnails are automatically generated using 3 different video frames at 5, 15 and 20 seconds. You also have the ability to upload a custom video thumbnail.

    When using a YouTube video URL, the platform uses the same video thumbnail as generated on

How can I share a preview link to unpublished content?

  • There are a variety of ways to share a link to the inline content even when unpublished:

    1. If the person you wish to share the content has access to the Inline Content Builder, we recommend that you copy the URL of the SKU you are editing.
    2. If the person does not have access to the Inline Content Builder:
      1. Provide a link to a retailer's product page and add &ccs_publish=stage to the end of the URL.
      2. Access the content directly such as
        1. You will need to replace the values for mf, pn and lang.

How do I remove a product from syndication?

  • It’s easy to remove a product from its live status. Simply change the product status back to Draft and save. The product will immediately stop syndicating onto partner sites.

How does this differ from a DAM (Digital Asset Management System)?

  • ContentCast is a cloud-like extension of your DAM.    You continue to manage your assets within your DAM but you use ContentCast to immediately distribute your content to 1WorldSync's centralized partner network.

How many slides can I add within a carousel block?

  • There is no limit to the number of slides you can add. However our recommendation is to add anywhere between 3-5 slides.

How to bulk import part numbers to a page?

  • The Part Number input field accepts a comma separated list of part numbers. To easily convert your Excel list of part numbers to comma-separated list, follow the steps below:

    1. Go to
    2. Copy your part numbers from the excel column into the left input
    3. Copy and paste the comma-separated list into the Part Number field in the Vendor Inline Content Builder

Video duration appears as 0:00?

  • This occurs if you've uploaded videos before Video Duration was supported.  To update your video durations, you can either re-upload the video in the Inline Content Builder or update the products in your automated feeds.

What happens if the service goes down? Will it affect partner websites?

  • The service will not provide any performance or visual impact to a website when the service is not available. The ContentCast syndication service is a low risk implementation so that if the servers or services were to ever go down, the service will fail gracefully (quietly) and simply return no content. It will not affect the appearance of your website. No Red X's or broken images will be shown. No errors will become visible to the end-customer or client.

What is "Status" and what do they mean?

  • Draft – This is the default starting status while you are actively building the content.
  • For Review – This is the status that is applied to a product when either you need your internal team to review or if our QA Team have identified an issue that has prevented the content from being allowed to be published.
  • For Publish – This is the status you should set the product to when you have completed the build and are ready for QA to review and publish to the live site.

What is ideal frames per second setting and spin time for 360s?

  • This depends on how many images you are uploading and what your preference is regarding the speed and the rotation duration, so it is often wise to test this and tweak accordingly.

    A good starting point for the Frames per second setting is 5.

    For a slower rotation decrease the frames per second and for a faster rotation increase the frames per second.

What is Scheduled Publishing?

  • Scheduled Publishing allows you to set a Start and End date the content will be published. This is useful if you are doing a series of edits to specific pages but do not wish to publish until you have finished, or to coincide with a pre-determined launch date.

What is the maximum video size I can upload?

  • The maximum allowed size is 50MB however we do not recommend anything larger than 30MB video. Please remember that the content uploaded is intended for web syndication on partner websites and must remain optimized for fast web delivery.

What is the recommended layout for my content?

  • A good layout is different for every manufacturer but we find that layouts where the images alternate on each side of the page with relevant content near the image are the most compelling. We also find use of video is highly attractive to users, so if available it’s a great asset to include in your syndication. We recommend maximum of 10 images and 5 videos per product to ensure optimized performance. The more assets delivered to the product page will result in slower page load times. If you have products that have hundreds of images and videos per sku, choose the right content that matters. A shopper will not watch 10 videos before they click the buy button.

What types of content are supported?

  • 1WorldSync Inline Content is designed to host marketing assets such as:

    • marketing text
    • images
    • videos (MP4 & YouTube)
    • hotspots
    • 360 spins
    • carousels
    • comparison tables
    • documents
    • Augmented Reality / 3D Models

    We recommend to use your manufacturer website as a source for content as this is typically the most reliable source for accuracy of information and ensures you have content usage rights.

Why can’t I add a Comparison Table?

  • At least one saved Part Number is required before you are able to add a Comparison Table. To proceed, please add a Part number for the inline sku in the area shown below:


Why can’t I immediately publish changes to partners?

  • As we highly value our customers, we enforce strict security and quality measures to ensure that all content published through our platform is properly reviewed for any vulgarity or nudity. Once you submit a sku, our quality team reviews the content and will publish it live after approval.

Why is my content set to ‘For Review’ status?

  • If you see that your content has been set to “For Review” status in the portal, it is because our QA Team have identified either an issue with the content (copy, images, video) or there is a violation of the publishing rules (for example you have utilized a YouTube video or content contains hyperlinks).

    You will be provided feedback on why the content has been set to this status to allow you to edit as required and then resubmit for approval.

I can't add EAN to my product, because it's taken by a different SKU?


Version history
Revision #:
6 of 6
Last update:
‎06-25-2024 08:30 AM
Updated by: