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Can 3rd Party served content be included in the ContentCast services?

  • No, 1WorldSync must host all the content for the following reasons:

    1. Performance and Availability - We are unable to monitor performance and availability on 3rd party sites.
    2. Security Risks - We are also not able to prevent any security breaches when the content is served on 3rd party servers. In the event that a 3rd party replaces the content with obscene or inappropriate content, we cannot automatically detect the changes or auto scan previously reviewed content.
    3. Security Certificates - We have no control in the event the 3rd party services are not able to serve secured content or HTTPS content in the event their certificate expires.

Does ContentCast offer Hosted Services to Manufacturers?

  • No, ContentCast does not offer Hosted Services to Manufacturers. ContentCast Offers hosted services to retailers on behalf of the manufacturers.

If a Manufacturer signs a ContentCast agreement, can they use the syndication service on their own sites?

  • No. The syndication agreement is different from the ContentCast manufacturer agreement. In order to syndicate content from the ContentCast system the party must accept the terms of the click wrap.

What if the party wants to negotiate the terms of the click wrap?

  • The ContentCast service is provided for free when the click wrap is completed. When any party wishes to negotiate the terms of the click wrap CNET will need to decide if the terms are still favorable or if the terms require compensation.

What is the ROI or benefit of syndication?

  • Partners who have participated in Marketing Syndication have shown:

    • On Average: 34% more revenue per quarter
    • Growing at 5X the average of non-participating partners

What services does ContentCast offer to Manufacturers?

  • ContentCast offers Manufacturers:

    1. the extraction, translation and loading of their product content into our retailer syndication platform.
    2. Real-time syndication of
      1. Brand Showcases
      2. Logo & Cross-sell Recommendations
      3. Explore Product Tours
      4. Rich Inline Content
      5. Campaign Banner and marketing syndication
      6. Downloadable Asset Repository
    3. ContentCast then offers Manufacturers secondary services such as reporting, content approval, etc.

What services does ContentCast offer to Retailers/Distributors?

  • ContentCast offers hosting and content syndication services to retailers/distributors. Retailers work with ContentCast to get a line of code for their website which delivers content that is designed to support the sales process. The hosting web services relationship is between 1WorldSync and the Retailer.

Who hosts the files?

  • 1WorldSync hosts the files and assets from ContentCast


Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎06-22-2023 06:25 AM
Updated by: