on 01-03-2024 09:29 AM
1 Login to your account under: https://portal.cs.1worldsync.com/en-us
2. Make sure that you are logged into the right account and select the script ID(zoneID)
Note: Our Partner Advocate can apply these changes as well on your behalf, in some cases, you might be able to make those changes yourself pretty quickly through self-service in the portal.
Inline Content General Settings
✔ All Content Blocks Enabled By Default
This setting allows you to blacklist the options you are not interested in. By unchecking this option you revert the change to whitelisting - meaning that you may need to select each option you would like on your account. By default, we recommend the settings as they are.
Block List:
Video / Gameplay
Clickin will disable all the videos in the Inline Content.
Overview - Overview is the general description of the Inline Content, we do not recommend disabling this functionality
Intel Logo
As the name suggests, its the Intel Logo which we can sometimes find in the
360 Spin- 360 Spins - we recommend having this option enabled - its the predecessor of 3D AR technology, which might still be in use from some brands.
Hotspots- Hotspots which provide explanation of product features we recommend having this option enabled.
Media Gallery- This is the media gallery provided by the brand we recommend having this option enabled.
3d / Augmented Reality- AR Technology we recommend having this option enabled.
Features- Product Features we recommend having this option enabled.
Compatible Items- Compatibility information we recommend having this option enabled.
BazaarVoice- External company who provides customer reviews - this depends on the customers choice.
Comparison Tables- Provides information about similar products with a comparison table to give the client multiple options from the same brand
Manufacturer Recommends -this is a crosssell option for this to work, you will require loading your catalog(link to catalog guide) - this is specifically for EPSON, HP, Samsung, XBOX and Microsoft Server & Microsoft Attach programms...
Specs - Product specifications - its enabled by default, this depends on the customer.
Accessories- Accessories - its enabled by default, this depends on the customer.
Documents- Product documents its enabled by default, we recommend having the option enabled.
Footnotes -Footnodes - its enabled by default, we recommend having the option enabled to ensure to provide legal and some additional information about the product.
Logo user - Account configuration
1 Login to your account under: https://portal.cs.1worldsync.com/en-us
2. Make sure that you are logged into the right account and select the script ID(zoneID)
Make sure that the programs are enabled in those you are interested in
If you have uploaded your entire catalog in my catalog section automatically, you dont need to worry as we will show automatically all products that are compatible with your catalog.
Note that for the Logo Programm you require a specific setup to make it work with the Add to Card function from the client - please contact your Partner Advocate at 1WS who will assist you for the ATC functionality or ccs adjustments.