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Document Overview

This document talks about the custom labels/tags feature within the Inline Content builder and the steps required to add them.

Functionality Overview

  • Today, ContentCast provides reporting at the MPN level but for many brands this may not be relevant. Some of you require reporting metrics at a category level or by business group.
  • This feature allows you to enter custom labels or tags on a per sku basis within the Inline Content builder that can then be used for custom reporting purposes.


Step 1: Go to Vendor Portal → Manage Inline Content

Step 2: Search for the part number where you would like to add the custom tags/labels:



Step 3: Click on the part number and go into the edit page



Step 4: In the edit page, you will see a new section on the right called “Labels”



Step 5: In this section, you can enter up to five labels/tags that are associated with this sku.



Step 6: Save and Publish

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a way to use spaces or two words in a ICB label like “Ink Cartridges” or does it have to be camel cased without the space?

Spaces are not allowed for the custom labels. Please use a hyphen or use camel case (InkCartridges) if you would like to use two words within the label.

Version history
Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎08-08-2023 09:06 AM
Updated by: