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To publish rich inline content page to Walmart US - please note this is now triggered by the “Walmart ID” field on the Product Content Page in the 1WorldSync Content portal-

Navigate to the “Vendor Portal” and select the Product Number of the page you would like to publish to

To syndicate content onto Walmart, brands must include the Manufacturer Part Number in addition to the Walmart ID for the page to show up. Without both data points, the page will not push or update through the Walmart API.

“Edit Product” detail now has the “Walmart ID” field- Update the “Walmart ID” field by identifying the ID # of the product page at that you would like to publish the rich media inline content to - the screenshot below with red arrow and highlighted portion of the URL is the “Walmart ID”-


*Make sure to press “Save” and “Publish,” as content will not be pushed without these two actions being completed.


Bulk Upload to

  • If you have bulk content page needs to push to Walmart -You can now add multiple Walmart ID’s to the Walmart ID section with a comma delimiter if there is a one page to many Walmart ID”s - use the steps above and if you are using the same inline content for multiple Walmart ID’s you can enter them below by following the screenshot example.


Features Available for Walmart US inline content pages.

Walmart US has certain Modules that are available in the 1WorldSync Inline Content Builder. They are listed below -If you create your pages for the full retailer channel - Please note that only these modules below will appear on Walmart US

Media Gallery
360 Spin

*Please note that Walmart US pulls the video from the rich inline content up to the Walmart Video Carousel gallery on their site.



Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
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