12-12-2023 04:18 AM
How can we submit an item for this year which has been submitted last year?
It looks like we cannot use the same GTIN this year....
12-12-2023 08:49 AM
Once a GTIN is created you cannot use the same GTIN. However, since the item is already created in Product Introduction for Kroger and previously submitted there is no need to recreate the item you would simply just resubmit the item. Before, resubmitting if anything has changed on the GTIN you would make the correction and submit the item again. Please note that if the weight changes by 20 percent this is when you will need to pullback the GTIN and recreate the item using a different GTIN.
12-14-2023 05:50 AM
12-14-2023 08:55 AM
You are receiving this error message due to the link already being present. To verify if a link has created successfully please go to "Products" > "Entered Items" > select the box next to the GTIN> "View Product Configuration" > "Take Action". Using GTIN 24052348009658 as an example I've attached a screenshot below.
I've also attached an additional link to our Kroger Non-GDSN Training Tutorials.