06-02-2023 05:30 PM
I have republished some items to Kroger and they are coming back with a GDSN status of "Published Awaiting Subscription." I have published the items to Kroger last week but had to make some corrections.
Is this something that's specific to Kroger Corporate Brand items? I usually don't get a message like that unless the trading partner subscription isn't set up.
Also, I published over 4 hours ago and the status hasn't changed. Is there something I'm supposed to do?
In case it matters - I don't use 1Worldsync Item Management for GDSN. I use a different data pool and then just top up in 1WS VIP.
Please advise, thanks.
06-05-2023 11:57 AM
Hi, my email is juy@cakerie.com (there is no "1" after juy) Published Awaiting Subscription is the message I got as a GDSN status. It's not an error message. I should have typically gotten a CIC-Review message (any item I haven't submitted in VIP has this message) if the publication has gone through successfully.
06-05-2023 12:01 PM
oh, sorry, it looks like I can't retrieve the CIN file unless I get a received message from the trading partner. I don't know what else to do on my end. Yes, the Target Market is US. I have published the item successfully to Kroger before. Just had to make some changes per their instructions.
06-05-2023 12:09 PM
Could it have been triggered by the change in status? The first few publications were under an item status of PRELIMINARY (under prelimaryItemStatusCode) which I switched to FINAL this time around. I don't normally publish specs until they were final but these items were published with very preliminary specs initially. We've since finalized them so I changed the status code. All other changes I've made are typical changes one would make in a GDSN publication.
06-05-2023 12:45 PM
I published another item today - but did NOT change the item status code (I kept it at preliminary). It's still showing up as Published Awaiting Subscription
06-05-2023 12:57 PM
Hello @Jennee we are still looking on our end but please understand, Published Awaiting Subscription is not a GDSN sync status message and is likely a message used by your data pool to advise you of a needed action on your end. I tried to translate what they could mean but as I mentioned, the master sub is running for Kroger and they are subscribed to your Target Market. If you made an update and you do not see a CIN (what you send) or a CIC response from Kroger, then I recommend checking with your data pool as to what that error means on their end.
06-05-2023 01:00 PM
Okay, I'll contact my data pool tech support again. thanks for working on this.
06-08-2023 11:33 AM
Hi @jcharles I've been responding to the ticket CXPS-2090 through email but I don't think you've been getting it as I sent so many emails but didn't get any responses since Monday - it just looks like you keep asking me the same questions over and over again. I have since opened a ticket by emailing techsupport@1worldsync.com and the new ticket is CXTECH-23400? How come every time I respond a new ticket seems to open? Now CXTECH-23438 is created.
I clicked on the "view this request" in the link and signed up for 1WS Support Center. Am I supposed to respond in there now rather than respond in the email? I tried doing the same thing to the original request CXPS-2090 (clicking on "view this request" link) but it says I don't have access to that portal so I can't respond to the original ticket. Can you please check the CXTECH-23400 support thread as I left my phone number there so you can call me back. My deadline is tomorrow for 18 items! I'm trying to put in what I can in VIP today but those won't help until the GDSN data flows in. Please can someone provide some guidance? I talked to my data pool, 1WS tech support, GS1 Canada tech support, and even Kroger. I've called 1WS customer service twice (yesterday and this morning) and both times they say you're in a meeting. I'm really getting anxious as nobody seems able to assist me - everybody just says they'll leave a message for you.
06-08-2023 12:05 PM
Thank you for speaking with me on the phone I have escalated the request and as soon as the work is done then I will let you know!
Thanks so much for working with 1Worldsync.
06-08-2023 12:07 PM
Thank you, John! I appreciate it!
06-08-2023 04:20 PM
Hi John!
The Syndigo rep assigned to my case just emailed to let me know that other suppliers are having issues publishing to Kroger and getting the "Published Awaiting Subscription" message. I don't know if you got reports from other suppliers too? Anyone else who publish from Syndigo having issues? How about anyone else who DON'T publish from Syndigo but who don't use 1Worldsync Item Management?