ā06-02-2023 05:30 PM
I have republished some items to Kroger and they are coming back with a GDSN status of "Published Awaiting Subscription." I have published the items to Kroger last week but had to make some corrections.
Is this something that's specific to Kroger Corporate Brand items? I usually don't get a message like that unless the trading partner subscription isn't set up.
Also, I published over 4 hours ago and the status hasn't changed. Is there something I'm supposed to do?
In case it matters - I don't use 1Worldsync Item Management for GDSN. I use a different data pool and then just top up in 1WS VIP.
Please advise, thanks.
ā06-05-2023 08:06 AM
Hello @Jennee and thank you for reaching out via our customer community. Welcome. Kroger uses a general Target Market subscription which means they will accept any publications to them with a Target Market of US. Can you confirm your items are TM = US? Do you have a GTIN example?
ā06-05-2023 09:39 AM
Hi, yes, the items are Target Market US.
Case GTIN: 10011110625691
The weekend has come and gone which means it has not just been hours but days, but this GTIN (plus two others) is still "published awaiting subscription"
Not sure if it's relevant but I also changed the status (preliminaryItemStatusCode) of the item from Preliminary to Final.
ā06-05-2023 09:52 AM
Hello @Jennee , can you confirm any update you are making with your datapool is for the Target Market US version of your GTIN 10011110625691? I looked in VIP and per your workflow, I do not see recent updates since June 2 and your last activity in VIP was that same day. I also see no notes in the Comments area from Kroger and wonder if you want to complete the top-off process in VIP, validate and submit to see if Kroger needs you to provide anything else.
I also looked in Kroger's worklist and see no transactions from you in the last week from a GDSN perspective. Has your data pool indicated any issues with sending updates?
GLN 0770118000017 / GTIN
ā06-05-2023 10:24 AM
I made several changes as Kroger is pretty strict on how they want Kroger Corporate Branded items submitted (product descriptions, functional name, marketing message, etc.). I am also NOT supposed to submit until someone from Corp Brands goes in and checks what I've done. I only have to get the items to pass validation.
There are no issues from my data pool as I've been sending updates to other trading partners in the past week. I'm only having issues with publishing to Kroger.
I can send you the CIN file by email if you want to take a look? Could you email me so I respond back to you? This is kind of critical as I have 18 items to publish to Kroger and I've been given until end of the week to finish topping them off in VIP. Some of the corrections need to be made in GDSN and some in VIP.
ā06-05-2023 10:40 AM
I just talked to someone on my data pool's support team and they are advising that there are no technical issues on Syndigo's side. We did republish that GTIN I provided you just now to see if it will go through.
One thing that did pass through my mind - Kroger wanted us to use their Kroger Corporate Brands GLN 0011110000026 as the Brand Owner, but we are supposed to publish to Kroger's usual GLN 0011110000019. Would that have triggered some kind of additional action on Kroger's side that meant setting up the trading partner subscription again? Please advise, thanks.
ā06-05-2023 11:00 AM
Hi Jennee,
Welcome to our online I am reviewing the content to see if I can pinpoint the root cause. I will advise the moment I have anything to share.
Thank you!
ā06-05-2023 11:24 AM
I opened a help ticket with our team so we could contact directly if needed. Please let me know if ticket CXPS-2090 does not arrive in your Inbox.
Thanks for your patience.
ā06-05-2023 11:33 AM
Hi jcharles,
I haven't seen the ticket. Did you send it to my email? My username juy1@cakerie.com is NOT my email. I did see you assigned something to me in VIP though, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with that? I'm already assigned to the item?
ā06-05-2023 11:44 AM
Hello @Jennee @jcharles . Yes, John created a ticket for you for this to be reviewed further. If that is not your correct email, please advise. That is the email associated with your login and community username. We checked on our end and the master subscription for Kroger is running on schedule every fifteen minutes without issue today. Kroger uses a Target Market US open subscription so there is no further subscription they would perform for your items.
Can you confirm, as I suspect, the error message you are seeing "Published Awaiting Subscription" is not an actual CIC message for your data pool but rather a notification from them?