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New GTIN No IMF Change

New Contributor II

I have received a request to put in a change for an item.  The item will have the same Case GTIN and Each GTIN, but the Package GTIN will change.  My understanding is Kroger does not want a new IMF created for this new Package GTIN, but rather have it use the IMF for the item that will be replaced.  How should this be handled in IM and Kroger's VIP Portal?

19 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @dennis_casey we are checking in to confirm this worked for you and to see if you have any other questions.

@CommunityJedi I did not delete the publication and submitted the item new to 1WS Item Management.  My thinking was that the Case GTIN was the same, but different Package GTINs and Each GTINs should allow the processing of the hierarchy as submitted.  This did not work as intended as the hierarchy is incorrect.  Attached is the image of how the item was added and has the incorrect hierarchy.  

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you for getting back to me and for that excellent detail.  As a best practice, I would have expected your hierarchy to look like a Case/Pack/Each.  

@CommunityJedi that was my expectation as well.  I submitted the item as a Case Pack Each in the FUSE upload.  Can you help me understand why the system changed this?  Should I have this item removed and the item it is replacing removed as well and then re-added with the new hierarchy?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello, @dennis_casey when you are creating your links via FUSE, you have to be careful as to what you call a child and parent, especially when you create a three-tier hierarchy.  You do not have to remove the items, just remove the links and try again.  YOu can also do this in the IM GUI if that is easier.  

@CommunityJedi Ok will do, thank you.  When attempting to publish these, would I want an InitialLoad since the item sort of exists in Kroger's portal and is replacing an existing item?  Or would it be a New item?

Community Manager
Community Manager

In general, if Kroger is not yet selling your Product, publish it as New.  If they are selling it and they are just now getting your content via GDSN/VIP, publish as Initial Load unless they requested you publish to them based on something specific to your product or relationship with them.

@CommunityJedi22 So the item exists in Kroger, but it is being replaced by a new hierarchy.  So the current heirarchy is attached and when trying to remove the Package and Each GTINs from this hierarchy, I get an error message because the item is published.  That is why I am thinking the publication needs to be deleted, then re-added properly.  The second image is how the hierarchy should look, but as noted before the Case, Pack, and Each GTINs have been jumbled and are labeled incorrectly.  

@CommunityJedi22 What are the ramifications to deleting the publication?  Will the item be removed from all digital channels?  Will retailers be prevented from making order items if it is removed?  

Community Manager
Community Manager

Yes, you are correct.  You would not be able to make structural hierarchy changes for published items.  I was answering before for how to pub after you make the changes.  Please withdraw or delete the publication, wait a full 25 hours then make your changes.

Here is something I posted about this last year to help out...