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Kroger: Case set up error PI5036 Certified for Passover Diet

New Contributor II

Hi Team,

Can you please help me why Case Hierarchy comes back with this error message: 

  • PI5036 Certified for Passover Diet is required when Diet Type Code is Kosher. For GDSN items, you may need to correct data in the data pool. Item (10818290019728)

    For this case level, I do not see fields where there are Diet Type fields. Where are they located for Case Hierarchy EDIT?

    Thank you,


4 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @uldana27 and welcome back.  For this error you just need to update this in VIP:



GLN 0894700001005

New Contributor II

Thanks! I have this information populated for EACH (see image below), but I do not see it for the Case level. This error message appears when I validate case level.

Can you please help me to find it inside CASE level Edit: 



New Contributor

I am having the same issue even though all fields in the unit level are populated.

Community Support

Hello @klofdahl, thank you for using our community welcome! If you cannot see this attribute at the case level please Unhide all the attributes as certain sections are hidden as they might not be usually required at that product level. To unhide please Edit the "Attribute Display Preference & Item type Attributes" at the level you have the error, select View All Attributes, and Save and Continue. This should help you find the Certified for Passover Diet field.


Thank you!