01-30-2024 05:33 PM
If information for a material is populated in item management and published to other customers, but does not meet the requirements of the McLane playlist, does it effect the other customers if I go in and change it to meet their requirements. For instance, if there are numbers in GTIN TI/HI and McLane requires non-GTIN TI/HI, how does changing that information for McLane effect customers that it is already published to?
01-31-2024 08:06 AM
Hello, and thank you for reaching out via the customer community. Welcome. For your example, you would use Pallet GTIN TI/HI on the pallet level of your defined hierarchy. If you have a hierarchy that does not include a pallet (i.e. Case/Each) but you want to define what a pallet would look like, you can use the non-GTIN TI/HI values. That is standards across GDSN values.
01-31-2024 08:47 AM
Sorry, I guess my question wasn't clear. Let me rephrase.
If information is populated in item management and already published to certain customers, and then we go in, enter McLane playlist, change around existing information to meet McLane's requirements, what happens to the information that is already published to the other customers? Does that change? How does changing existing information effect other customers information? I guess I don't understand how playlists work.
01-31-2024 09:42 AM
Hello @audrey and thanks for your clarification. The playlists are basically the aggregation of attributes and their validations so your trading partners with a playlist can help ensure you are providing all of the information they require. Populating attributes in a playlist will send that same information to other trading partners for which that item is published. There are certain attributes that you can change and indicate there are different values needed for different trading partners (i.e. unit indicators). McLane follows the GDSN guidelines pretty closely so you should not have to change values that would go against those standards. What attributes are you being asked via the McLane playlist that would require you to make changes?
01-31-2024 10:13 AM
For instance, if there are numbers in GTIN TI/HI and McLane requires non-GTIN TI/HI, how does changing that information for McLane effect customers that it is already published to?
01-31-2024 10:25 AM
@audrey Please take a look at this article as this should help. As we discussed, McLane is following the GDSN standards for the use of the two types of TI/HI values dependent upon whether you have a pallet GTIN in your hierarchy or not.
01-31-2024 10:35 AM
I'm not asking specifically about McLane's playlist. what I want to know is when I populate the McLane playlist and fill in their attributes, how does that information effect other customers information? How does 1 playlist information effect another playlist. Do you have something in the community that describes how playlists work? For instance, when we put McLane playlist in we are asked to put in the Marketing Message, which was not populated before. Does this information flow to other customers that are already published?
01-31-2024 11:00 AM
Hello @audrey, yes, the content you enter into IM, regardless of playlist, will be sent to your trading partners when you publish to them. For your screen capture example, those are highly recommended, best practice attributes for your products and are helpful to all trading partners, not just McLane.
Keep in mind as we discussed, the playlists aggregate attributes and validations based on preferences for each recipient. It is very likely that many of the attributes you populate for McLane will also be requested for other recipient playlists as you add them as needed.
02-01-2024 10:35 AM
Please respond to this example? So let's say we publish to McLane with a gross case weight of 5.0, then we set up a variant that is going to multiple customers, and there is a slight change to the weight, 5.2 and we publish that weight out to Walmart, does the gross weight get updated in the McLane system? Thank you.
02-01-2024 10:38 AM - edited 02-01-2024 10:39 AM
Hello @audrey when you update a value and save it in IM, the update is sent to all trading partners to which the item was already published. From a GS1 standards standpoint, why would the gross weight for the same item be different depending on who you send it to? You likely want a new GTIN so your weights are accurate for all trading partners.
@Beckey do you have any thoughts on this follow-up question from your perspective?