12-29-2021 06:38 PM
Is there a valid value table for the FUSE attribute recipient Catagory / Destination? I know i can go into IM and select from a drop down, but what I am looking for is the language convention to understand how to populate this in FUSE
For example Mclane is MCLANE COMPANY, INC. 0083967000016 in item management but in FUSE it reports as
mclane_GROCERY -- McLane
12-30-2021 09:47 AM
The Valid Value can be determined by exporting a GTIN that has the information populated in an existing item. If you share a GTIN that has the field populated then we get you the Valid Value.
12-31-2021 10:30 AM
I did find a definition for the attribute but it appears to be an optional attribute. Are you getting a validation when you attempt to use the FUSE to create new items?
Recipient Category/Destination
Where is this item intended to be sent? This attribute is required for many recipients and will help you ensure your data is compliant. Please select a value(s) so your data is properly validated for your recipient/destination.
01-04-2022 01:51 PM
Kroger is requiring multiple updates to items for marketing information and I am trying to make the changes JUST to apply to Kroger. I know I can do this in IM but would prefer to export the items into a FUSE report as a large batch and change the attributes and use the recipient information for it to apply to Kroger. I figured I could export one that has the valid value language for Kroger already applied but was hoping there was a listing for reference so I don't need to take that extra step.
01-06-2022 04:05 PM
You can find the values and associated GLNs in the IM Participant Dictionary on the IM Playlist Tab. The attribute uses the Playlist System Name as its Valid Values in FUSE.
01-06-2022 04:20 PM
jcharles this is a great reminder to access the dictionary thanks, unfortunate since this customer does not have their own playlist they are not listed but I appreciate the follow up
02-25-2022 02:23 PM
TIP i never thought to include the valid values on my exports! I think i missed that tip in training!