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Recipient List is unavailable when trying to publish an item

New Contributor II

I am trying to publish an item and on publish step 1 of 2: Select Recipient there are No Recipients available.  I type in account in the search field and nothing comes up.


4 Replies



Which recipient are you trying to publish to? We may have a different GLN number perhaps?

Going from the left arrow to the Right arrow. We search to find the GLN and highlight it, then click the add button to move it to the right field and hit next.



New Contributor II

I am publishing to 0011110000019 The Kroger Company.  It's blank, even if I search for Walmart.



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello and thank you for reaching out.  I just logged in under your GLN, selected a random GTIN, and was able to access the Kroger GLN (I did not actually publish anything).  Can you close your IM instance, open again and try again and let us know how it goes?


That worked!  Thank you!