01-25-2023 09:06 AM
Good morning - so I did a delete publication for all the Supervalu location GLN's that are no longer to be used. Every morning when I log in I keep seeing the attached and I am not sure why. Are they still trying to accept these GTIN's? Just trying to figure out why I keep seeing these messages every morning in my recent transactions area.
01-25-2023 09:20 AM
Hello and thank you for reaching out via our customer community. When UNFI was removing these GLNs they asked customers to delete publications to these older GLNs and make sure their items were published to their single, primary GLN. Now that these GLNs are removed, if you have publications to them that were not deleted, you will see those types of errors.
We are working with our engineering and UNFI teams to help customers like you by deleting these standing pubs. There are over a million so we are working on the best way to do this without interrupting our systems, We will have more details once that plan is finalized.
01-25-2023 09:23 AM
Thank you so much for your response. Looking forward to the resolution on this 🙂 Have a great day!