08-04-2021 03:40 PM
We are moving to one GLN from two and we are in process of publishing items in the new GLN for one customer to see how it will work. The question came up to see if we should publish to the customer as Initial Load or New. The GTIN has been published to them before, just under another GLN. Maybe it is dependent on the customer? Does anyone have any insight?
08-05-2021 11:14 AM
Hello and thank you for contacting us via our community platform. From the GDN/Global Registry standpoint, there are four attributes that make a GLN unique: GTIN, Target Market, GPC and you guessed it, the GLN. So if a GTIN is published from a different GLN, even with the same GTIN, Target Market, and GPC, then it is seen as a unique item per the GDSN standards.
I clarify that way because some recipients ask that you only publish to them with specific types of publication (New vs Initial Load) so those would not really apply to your question here. You would publish however they ask you to publish. From a GDSN perspective, the general best practice for publication types is this: if you are publishing an item that is already being sold by your trading partner, use initial load. If you are publishing an item they are not yet selling, publish as new.