08-02-2023 02:05 PM
I linked 3 items then published them, after they were published I noticed the gross weight was wrong and when I went to edit the link, it would not allow it due to the item being published. I deleted the publication, went back to the links and tried to edit, but the system still thinks the item was published?? How can I edit the links?
08-02-2023 02:38 PM
Hello @emilyhartford and welcome to the customer community. Thanks for reaching out.
If you would need to modify the Gross Weight on a product you would only need to adjust the attribute and Save the product for the information to be updated.
However, if you would need to change the links for a published item, after Withdraw/Delete of the publication you will need to wait 25 hours before the links can be modified: item https://community.1worldsync.com/t5/IM-Knowledge/When-Do-I-Have-to-Wait-25-Hours-to-Update-My-Item-H...
Please let me know if that helped.