07-15-2022 03:53 PM
07-15-2022 04:20 PM
just a heads up, the file was not corrupt but rather it did not like ", we have to use '' instead.
07-15-2022 03:59 PM
Hello and Welcome,
Can you try to populate Columns B & C and see what your response will be? The two columns have to populated for the items to be processed. You can chose to import all of yours items or just specific ones.
07-15-2022 04:02 PM
07-15-2022 04:11 PM
Unfortunately, your sheet has been corrupted. This type of issue is common if you copy and past into our template. If you copy from another sheet you might pick up some formatting that is going to cause your sheet to fail.
I recommend using a new template and manually load your first item. We want to make sure the line will load using the FUSE template. Once you confirm that one has been added then you can drag down the column and know the content is solid.
Let us know how you decide to go.
07-15-2022 04:15 PM
1) to confirm the FS_Item is the template yes? If we wanted to just upload this tab would that be ok?
2) Is the first row the header? When we download the template we are shown this:
3) Any Empty column, can we completely remove off the sheet?
07-15-2022 04:16 PM
07-15-2022 04:20 PM
just a heads up, the file was not corrupt but rather it did not like ", we have to use '' instead.
07-15-2022 04:24 PM
now we we are seeing normal errors. will take it from here until next big error. ty
07-15-2022 04:33 PM
Hello again,
1. Yes you can load one or al of them. The Import Item being NO will make that row be ignored.
2. No, I would leave that row alone and begin on the fourth line.
3. Do not delete any columns, as it will corrupt the file entirely.
I am glad you found the offending issue with your sheet and I will tuck that little piece of info away for the next suppliers.
4 weeks ago