10-14-2020 10:18 AM
Please see attachment.
1. Additional Identifier - Supplier assigned product code is required: All supplier product code fields within Classification & Identification are completed. Where are other "Supplier assigned product code" fields located?
2. Main Product Image - this field is required: The main image field a the top of the product page are completed. Where are other 'main image' fields located?
Thank you.
10-14-2020 12:24 PM
Hi Michael! Thank you for reaching out to us via our Customer Community! Please ensure that your Alternate Item Identification Agency is marked as "Assigned By Manufacturer". No change is needed for the Alternate Item Identification ID.
Concerning the image, it seems to be indicating that a product image needs to be attached and marked as the "Primary Image". You do have an image marked as Primary Image, as well as 3 additional non-primary images included. To remedy this response from the recipient, I do recommend discussing this with them to better understand what's missing for your image(s).
Please let us know if you have any questions!
10-22-2020 08:36 AM - last edited on 10-22-2020 12:10 PM by wilsonsp
Good Morning,
1. The image are still rejected with the CIC stating: "Please send a Change by Refresh message."
2. To correct the image, one of your agents advised that we "save the item or save & register if using the Classic version." We have done this to no avail.
3. Last week and again 10/21 we emailed Millard a request to investigate but no reply from Millard.Another email to Millard has been sent now.
Any ideas please? Thank you.
Mike Walters
10-22-2020 12:09 PM
Hello! I do see that your item is still in a REVIEW status with Millard. A "Change by Refresh" simply means that an update of the item should be sent, which can be done by clicking "Save", however, the review message still remains. Millard will need to investigate to determine why they are not receiving your images. You could attempt to re-publish your item from Manage Publications as New, if the item is New for Millard, or as Initial Load, if it's previously been synchronized with Millard.
- Main Product Image - To improve the quality of the marketing of your products and increase sales, it is advisable to attach a Product Image to all Product Publications. While this is not a requirement for the chosen Recipient, it is strongly encouraged. CHANGE_BY_REFRESH_MESSAGE Please send a Change by Refresh message.
- To improve the quality of the marketing of your products and increase sales, it is advisable to attach a Product Image to all Product Publications. While this is not a requirement for the chosen Recipient, it is strongly encouraged.
- Main Product Image - This field is required