12-19-2023 04:32 PM
Hello. I successfully published to GUDID, but noticed that I missed a field (the Y/N question in GUDID for “Manufacturing Date”). I went back to the FUSE worksheet, added a new “APPEND” row, entered "PRODUCTION_DATE" under the packagingDate/tradeItemDateOnPackagingTypeCode column in the FUSE worksheet, and successfully updated my listing in 1WS. But after republishing (successfully) to GUDID that attribute did not change. After poring through the mapping docs and data dictionaries, I thought I used the most logical option (and Valid Value) for that column to map to GUDID. What did I miss? NOTE: I also have “EXPIRATION_DATE” under that same column; can both flow through to GUDID? Thank you.
12-21-2023 08:53 AM - edited 12-21-2023 08:54 AM
Hi Marcy,
Yes, You could certainly export a GTIN that will show you the column to populate. You do not have to do the republish piece. The change you are making will be sent out to make the correction, you would not need to republish it.
12-19-2023 05:02 PM
Hi Marci,
Welcome to our online 1Worldsync community!!
I will need to consult with my team to answer your question. We do have some other resources we can reach out.
Please allow us some time to review your question.
12-20-2023 09:29 AM
Hi Marcy,
I recommend that you log into the GUDID Database and see if you can make the change. The dates you provided are considered a Package Date and should be able to make the change after your fDAGUDIDPublishDate.
You attempted to make the change via the FUSE template but the change did not hold. I would go into the database to attempt the change.
12-20-2023 03:06 PM
Thanks. I did do that a few days ago inside GUDID, but 60 times was not fun. I guess I'm just checking if that was the correct attribute/column and Valid Value for future uploads/publications. Will it work if I have PRODUCTION_DATE in that column in FUSE, then 1WS, then publish as 'new load' to GUDID (rather than as an update)?
12-20-2023 04:15 PM
Hello @Marcy3250, I will need to do a bit of research to ensure I provide you with the correct steps on how to solve it. Thank you for your patience while I research this.
12-20-2023 04:56 PM
The PRODUCTION_DATE all fall under the same group. Could you try to upload a new date to see if it works after your fDAGUDIDPublishDate or do you have examples already?
12-20-2023 05:03 PM
There's no actual date, it's just a method to toggle the Y/N in GUDID, and I switched them all to Y from within GUDID already. I have no new examples ready to push through. BUT...could I export one record from 1WS, remove (or Modify?) that row in the FUSE worksheet, reupload, then republish and see if it switches the toggle to No? Seems like a lot of steps, but I can try. Otherwise I just try on my next new publication.
12-21-2023 08:53 AM - edited 12-21-2023 08:54 AM
Hi Marcy,
Yes, You could certainly export a GTIN that will show you the column to populate. You do not have to do the republish piece. The change you are making will be sent out to make the correction, you would not need to republish it.