4 weeks ago
One of our employees who is not an account holder is getting email alerts from a particular store through 1WS. I'd like to add another person onto those alerts as well but I haven't been able to figure out where to do that. Could you please point me in the right direction?
4 weeks ago
Would you please clarify what emails the user is receiving? When submitting items in Product Introduction the "Contact" person along with the last person to touch/submit the item will receive notifications. However, if you are stating the user does not have a UMA user ID please specific emails the account holder receives to allow 1 World Sync to research where the emails are generating from.
Thank you for your patience!
4 weeks ago
Thank you for your quick response. The emails are coming from: 1Worldsync Retail Ecommerce Analytics <no-reply-retailecommerceanalytics@1worldsync.com> and are titled "Action Alerts for Kroger Week 202452" (for example). We'd like to get an additional associate on those emails. Is that possible?
4 weeks ago
Yes, we can assist you with adding an additional associate to receive these emails. In order to do so please contact our Retail Ecommerce Analytics team directly at reasupport@1worldsync.atlassian.net to add the new associate.