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Community Manager
Community Manager

Good afternoon.  IM is currently working through a large backlog of transactions due to extremely high volume.  The backlog could impact transactions that you see in your Sync Status Report in IM.  We apologize for any inconvenience and will update here as we have any new details.

Community Manager
Community Manager

I received some additional details around the IM backlog that I want to share here to help clarify any behaviors our customers may encounter as a result.  

The transactions in the backlog are ISN (Item Store Notifications).  Item Store Notifications are generated to indicate that a CIN message has been received from a Manufacturer using IM as their datapool.

Areas where customers may notice impacts are:

  • The Sync Status Report showing the status of "Pending Synchronization" is a result of the ISNs needing to process.
  • Worklists - For ISN transactions in the worklist, you may see things out of order.  For example, if a transaction is performed between the time the item synched and the time the ISN processed
  • Item History Report - like the worklist, ISN transactions will not be accurate until the ISNs are processed.

This backlog has no impact on IM performance or any slowness.

Please ask questions here for any further clarification.


Good Morning, do you know how much longer these transactions will take to process? This is week 3 of the "backlog" and is negatively impacting everyone's ability to conduct business. It is also impacting the time required to process a status reset, along with the other processes you have identified. Can you prioritize other transactions and/or work with the manufacturer to limit the quantity of transactions being sent at one time so this does not continue to impact everyone in the community? 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @RebeccaNichols and thank you for your feedback.  I sent your questions and feedback to our support and technology teams.  I can assure you our teams are working to resolve this issue for you and all of our customers.  I will let you know what I learn.

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎08-09-2022 01:45 PM
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