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Community Manager
Community Manager

View the Getting Started with Kroger VIP Recording HERE. 

Please see attached presentation for more details.  Here's the agenda so you can see what was discussed:





New Contributor

I don't understand the difference between item management and production?  We are a new supplier for Kroger and they wanted us to get started loading items however the production portal seems a step ahead of where we are at and doesn't seem appropriate for the apparel items we are going to supplying.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello and thank you for reaching out via the customer community.  I took a look at your company profile and it appears at this time you are set up as a "non-GDSN" supplier with 1WS.  This means you will not be utilizing the GDSN and publishing from IM to your trading partners including any of them that use PI.  

Instead, you add your product content directly into PI and submit to your trading partners.  If you are doing business with Kroger, please see here for helpful info:

If you are using PI to syn with Albertsons, please check here:




Version history
Revision #:
3 of 3
Last update:
‎05-13-2021 02:31 PM
Updated by: