05-16-2023 11:14 AM
Life Time Foundation is a recipient and would love if we could receive an email when a supplier publishes to us, just like when we receive an email that a trading partner form was submitted. Right now it takes too many steps and time to pull reports each week to see if any publications came through.
Thank you!
Megan Flynn, MPH, RD
Nutrition Program Manager
05-16-2023 11:37 AM
Hello @mflynn and welcome to the customer community. Thank you for your enhancement request. I submitted it to our Product team to see if this is on their roadmap and will get back to you with more info.
05-16-2023 02:33 PM
Hello @mflynn our Product team got back to me on your request. Currently, we don't have any notifications in IM that would do specifically what you are looking at but it s something we have accounted for on the backlog and do have it on our radar.
I will add that our DSD product does have this type of functionality if that is something you haven't seen or wanted to explore.
05-18-2023 05:13 PM
We don't have that functionality in DSD. Can you tell me what page its on in the user guide so we can set it up?
05-31-2023 10:24 AM
Hello @jchoroszucha and thank you for your patience. We apologize for the delayed response here. Please see the links below to our documentation to help you with this need. You can download these. Once you download the Admin Guide, search the doco for WORKFLOW. In the User Guide it starts on page 298 and in the Admin Guide it starts page 70.
06-06-2023 12:14 AM
Is the notification being added to IM or DSD? I'm trying to follow the conversation above.
Thank you!
06-06-2023 07:52 AM
Hello @mflynn this conversation is about managing content in DSD for communication through IM.
06-06-2023 07:52 AM
Hi Megan: I believe 1WS is saying DSD has the feature, IM does not presently, but they will review for future enhancements. That being said, I have not had the opportunity to see how it works in DSD (based on the notes above) but will be working with it in the next day or so.
I'm hoping it will be an Ah-Ha moment. I'll post an update for the new DSD users (like myself).