10-11-2023 09:41 AM
10-17-2023 03:29 PM
Hello @nancyVigo I hope your week is going well. I also found this in the Wakefern Implementation Guide. I know they use CICs differently than other recipients. You may have to reach out to your contacts or the email below to see what else they need from you to complete the next steps...
Review: Item data has been received and differences in data have been identified requiring the data
undergo further review. CIC RESPONSE - REVIEW
• A CIC response of Review implies that after a comparison of the data published, differences
were found between the published data and the product data in Wakefern’s database. A
Review status generates an internal notification for a Wakefern associate to review the
differences found in the product data. Once an item is internally reviewed and audited,
Wakefern has the ability to Challenge the vendor’s data.
Challenge: Wakefern may audit and challenge data elements, sending via email specific information
regarding the data discrepancy. It is expected that the trading partner review the product data and
where appropriate, publish corrections to the data. If the trading partner, upon its own internal
review process, determines the published data is correct, you must report this information back to
Wakefern, via email to datasync@wakefern.com. Examples of discrepancies are dimensions, net
content, unit of measure, and others.
10-11-2023 09:54 AM
Hello @nancyVigo . I hope you are doing well. I am taking a look but in the meantime want to make sure you saw this: https://community.1worldsync.com/t5/Knowledge-Articles/Wakefern-CIC-Responses-For-New-Item-Publicati...
10-11-2023 10:09 AM
@CommunityJedi22, thanks, I am! I hope you are doing well also.
I will check out the article...thanks!
10-17-2023 03:22 PM
@CommunityJedi22, good afternoon!
I checked the status of this item and it still has a "Review" message on it. Anything else I should be checking?
10-17-2023 03:29 PM
Hello @nancyVigo I hope your week is going well. I also found this in the Wakefern Implementation Guide. I know they use CICs differently than other recipients. You may have to reach out to your contacts or the email below to see what else they need from you to complete the next steps...
Review: Item data has been received and differences in data have been identified requiring the data
undergo further review. CIC RESPONSE - REVIEW
• A CIC response of Review implies that after a comparison of the data published, differences
were found between the published data and the product data in Wakefern’s database. A
Review status generates an internal notification for a Wakefern associate to review the
differences found in the product data. Once an item is internally reviewed and audited,
Wakefern has the ability to Challenge the vendor’s data.
Challenge: Wakefern may audit and challenge data elements, sending via email specific information
regarding the data discrepancy. It is expected that the trading partner review the product data and
where appropriate, publish corrections to the data. If the trading partner, upon its own internal
review process, determines the published data is correct, you must report this information back to
Wakefern, via email to datasync@wakefern.com. Examples of discrepancies are dimensions, net
content, unit of measure, and others.
10-17-2023 03:44 PM
Okay, thanks so much @CommunityJedi22!
03-28-2024 03:06 PM
No problem @nancyVigo