12-21-2022 02:42 PM
Has anyone encountered this error in the past and knows a quick way to fix it?
Publication was rejected multiple times without a message and now it says Additional Status Description and Details say:
" 1. GTIN (XYZ) A matching item was not found in the Sam’s system. Access Publication Detail Report for more info. -PE_PUB"
Any tips greatly appreciated!
12-21-2022 03:17 PM
The message means that you published as Initial Load and they do not have this item in place on their side.
Do you know for sure it should not have been a New item? If you are sure it should have a Sam's number? The publication report can show you how they have that loaded so you might be able to choose it form a list.
12-21-2022 03:20 PM
Hi John,
I republished as Initial Load because the Sales team reached o:ut and asked me to republish it that way. This is the message they received from Sams:
Publication was received as NEW 11/23 @16:49 UTC. The Item Number was allocated via Riversand prior to the new publication being received. The publication was subsequently updated approximately 10 times with operation MODIFY between 11-27 and 12-18. Since them Item Number was allocated on IDM before the publication was received, system no knowledge of Item Number 990287217. This should be reconcilable via submitting the publication as an Initial Load
12-21-2022 03:41 PM
If you want to share the GTIN then I have a contact that can look at it on the Sam's side. I might be able to get a direction on this for you.
12-21-2022 03:44 PM
That would be great! GTIN 10051000285710
12-21-2022 04:34 PM
I recommend they review the publication detail report. The report will be the best direction forward on that publication.
12-22-2022 07:41 AM
Thanks John, I will pass that on to the sales team.