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Why can't a customer see my new product?

New Contributor II

I have posted a new products. I clicked Save and Verify and everything completed and it didn't return any errors.

Yet, I was notified that a customer of ours can't find it based on the GTIN we gave them.

Is there something I am missing on either of our ends?

I am new to this process.


5 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello, @ToddRico and thank you for reaching out via our customer community.  Welcome.  There could be a handful of reasons based on how you are trying to synchronize, with whom you are synchronizing, and other variables.  Can you provide me with a little more detail and an example GTIN so we can take a closer look?

New Contributor II

Hello Jedi,

Thank you for replying to my post.

Can you see this item?:

The item is 10079426369050.

Ricos Products, Round Yellow Tortilla Chips, 48ct

3 oz bags of tortilla chips.

Thank you,


Community Manager
Community Manager

Good morning.  Yes, I can see your GTIN, and unfortunately, it appears it is not yet published.  You can see this below in the report called Manage Publications.  When I look at the Item History Report I see you added the item successfully but have not yet linked it or published it.


I recommend you take a look at these quick videos to help with this a bit and let us know if you have other questions.



I have Validated a Hierarchy and am in Video 6 now. I have Searched for the item, and checked the Check Box to the left. There is no Publish button above it.

I only have Links, Clone, Export Data, Add to List, and Sales Slick.

I am still in the Item Management section.


 I checked your profile and the way you were set up, does not allow you to publish items. The admin who set you up can change your access to that you can publish.