07-25-2024 12:46 PM
I have been publishing a variety of items - and while most were sent to be reviewed I have two items that are flagging nutritional errors after being successfully validated by the Wakefern Foods list.
Many thanks,
07-25-2024 01:38 PM
Welcome to the Community! You are receiving an error/warning in regards to the Nutrients due to the "Percentage"/"Percentage of Daily Value Intake" missing under each Nutrient. Please complete this attribute on all Nutrients and save and validate the item.
07-25-2024 05:03 PM
Thank you for taking the time to get back to me - percentage information was applied in the same format as the other flavors that were approved:
But I'm still seeing this issue - is there another area I should be looking for percentages?
07-26-2024 08:23 AM
Warnings to not suppress a publication unless a warning reads it is "required" or it populates red when attempting to publish. However, with GDSN requirements changing so frequently we typically suggest that customers resolve all warnings before publishing the item to avoid any delays. So in this case we'd suggest all "Percentage" to be completed on ALL nutrients populated. However, if you wish not to complete this step you can proceed with publishing to the recipient and it is at the hands of the recipient if the item will be rejected or pushed back. Once publish please watch your "Worklist" and "Sync Status Report" to ensure no further action is required on your end.