I am looking to see if there are any best practices for populating the 'Manufacturer GLN' for our items. We use the API process to publish and update items. Is there a way to get a comprehensive list of GLN's available through 1WorldSync? We would then be able to load them into our system and attach as item info to send in with our API process.
Thank you for any insight!
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The value for Manufacturer GLN should reflect the the party who owns the manufacturing process of the product (Manufacturer GLN), below is the full definition from our IM Participant Dictionary:
The Global Location Number (GLN) that uniquely identifies the party who owns the manufacturing process of the product (Manufacturer GLN) .
Used by the seller to communicate the GLN of the owner of the manufacturing process to the buyer. It allows the buyer to identify the owner of the manufacturing process. Used by the buyer for internal validation and to support some B2B processes.
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