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Levels of Hierarchy

New Contributor II

Can you have just 1 level of hierarchy?  Our product is only available as a case pack.  We do not split up a case and we do not individually UPC sticker the product as it is for food service and everything goes directly into restaurants and therefore no stickers are needed on the individual items within the case.  We only have the GTIN number for them to purchase under and that is the number we also ship and invoice under.

9 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

Yes, you can certainly publish a single-level hierarchy.  You may need to ensure the hierarchy structure you are sending is what your trading partner is expecting.

New Contributor II

Thank you.  They know we only offer items by the case.

I am getting an error message when I try to publish. Since I only have 1 level of hierarchy there isn't anything to link it to but here is the error message I am getting.

"Your parent and child direct link quantities should match your parent item total count of all products. (Total qty of next lower trade item).  I don't know what I need to correct.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Since your hierarchy is a single level, do you have your Qty Next Level Items set to 1?

I did not have it set to 1 but I changed that field to 1 as well as the item total count of all products to 1 and it then let me publish it successfully.  Thank you for your help.

Community Manager
Community Manager

at news 😁

New Contributor II

How can I delete a child from the high hierarchy if I published by mistake? I deleted the publication, i wanted to delete the child from the high hierarchy and add the correct child and now it's not letting me because it's said that the item was published. can you please help me?

the GTIN: 10052092848180. correct child GTIN: 00052092701921

Community Manager
Community Manager

When deleting a publication in order to make a hierarchy/structure change, you must wait 25 hours before making any other changes.  You are almost there.  Please try again in a couple hours and let me know if you encounter the issue again.  You deleted the publication yesterday at  10:04 am CT.

Valued Contributor

@HandiFoil , I just came across the same issue and was given the same advice. Thanks @CommunityJedi22 for all your help! 🙂