08-11-2022 05:26 PM
I am having trouble exporting a list from "LISTS". I am not having any trouble creating a list; the problem happens when I choose a list to export. Nothing happens. If I try to clear or back out, the screen goes gray & I have to log out to get back to any other portion of IM. I have been having an issue since yesterday.
I can select items from Items tab & export them that way but when trying to export 1 to 2 dozen items, then it is more efficient to build a list & then export it.
Have you gotten any reports about exporting a list not working?
10-03-2022 10:12 AM
Yes, I just checked & was able to export a list now. I appreciate your assistance in getting this issue resolved.
08-12-2022 08:11 AM
Hello and thank you for reaching out via our customer community. Can you tell me which list you are trying to export and provide an example GTIN so we can take a look?
08-12-2022 11:00 AM
See attached .docx for screen shots to show what I am experiencing. The list I created has several GTINs on it. I can, however highlight items while in "ITEMS" and then export them that way but I prefer to create lists to do so. I also attached the extract that I ended up pulling via selecting items from "ITEMS". Hope this helps you understand what the issue is that I am experiencing. Thanks.
08-12-2022 03:43 PM
I took a deeper look and discussed it with our Product team who agrees this does not seem to be acting as needed. As a result, I will create a ticket for this and escalate it so it can be further evaluated. I will provide you with the ticket number here once all of that is in place.
08-12-2022 03:52 PM
The Service Desk ticket number for this issue is SDU-426517
08-12-2022 04:19 PM
Thanks for the update. Am I supposed to be able to access the details of the ticket? I clicked on the ticket # and it took me to a log on page (jira?) and it doesn't recognize my user and / or password.
08-15-2022 08:11 AM
Later this year, we are enabling a function where you can create and access your JIRA tickets with us through the community. I will send you an email from that ticket so you can then respond to it as needed.
08-19-2022 02:38 PM
Update - I am working with the technical support thru the above ticket # via email The issue is not resolved completely; however, I was given a work around in which I open up the list, select all the items on the list and then export the data. They are keeping me updated as to progress of being able to just select the private list to export without doing the extra steps. I guess we can close this subject since it is being addressed by technical support.
08-22-2022 08:01 AM
Thank you for the update and please let me know if you need any further assistance.
10-03-2022 10:00 AM
Hello, I am happy to report that I received an update from our technology teams that this functionality was updated and should be working for you now. Please let me know if you have any other questions.