05-30-2023 09:28 AM
Functional Name (Product Type Description) - S1FUNNAME 1WorldSync IM supports 70 characters, the outbound GDSN CIN message supports 35 characters. Truncation will occur on the GDSN CIN message for text over 35. Can you please explain why IM supports 70 characters, but GDSN only supports 35.
05-30-2023 11:00 AM
Hello @c2b30 and thanks for reaching out with such a good question. Yes, I can help explain this. Because 1WS acts as both a source and recipient datapool, our customers can communicate product content with other 1WS customers via GDSN but also could be looked at from an IM to IM experience. What this means is when a 1WS supplier sends content to a 1WS recipient, there is more flexibility that when you send to external recipients.
05-30-2023 11:00 AM
Hello @c2b30 and thanks for reaching out with such a good question. Yes, I can help explain this. Because 1WS acts as both a source and recipient datapool, our customers can communicate product content with other 1WS customers via GDSN but also could be looked at from an IM to IM experience. What this means is when a 1WS supplier sends content to a 1WS recipient, there is more flexibility that when you send to external recipients.