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How to submit to retailer

New Contributor II


How do I submit to retailer once item is Listed? Can you please share step by step or screenshot? 



7 Replies


Good Afternoon and welcome back!

We do have a video here in the community that can assist 

I have also included our Quicksheets for Non GDSN PI, which provide step by step on how to submit to Kroger.


New Contributor II

Thanks! Do you have any info on how to fill in the fills after/below the DUNS number? It seems to stop at that point on page 16 in the manual. 

But when I try to VALIDATE, it is telling me I am missing all the info below the DUNs number field.

Thank you!

The remainder are



We will move through each error and then save & validate again.


We just follow the 



New Contributor II

Hi, Is the List Cost the cost to the retailer or the MSRP (price that consumer pays?) Also, do we enter it for EACH or on the CASE level? 


List Cost, is what Kroger pays you and the MSRP is what Kroger would sell to a customer at point of sale.

You would list this by the case because it would be the dispatch unit.

New Contributor II


Even after filling in the new information, new messages are popping up. Indicates that I have not input Region when I have, but it does not seem to save.

  • KR1177 At least one region entry is required. Item (10858466006114)
  • PI5054 First Ship Date is required for dispatch units. For GDSN items, you may need to correct data in the data pool. Item (10858466006114)
  • KR1069 First Available Date by Region is required. Item (10858466006114)
  • KR14412 Dispatch Unit Item Description is required on Dispatch Units when Item Submission Reason Code is populated in this Family Tree Class. Item (10858466006114)
  • KR5451 Kroger First Available Date by Region is required when Item Submission Reason Code is populated. Item (10858466006114)
  • KR5452 Kroger Dispatch Unit Initial List Cost is required when Item Submission Reason Code is populated. Item (10858466006114)
  • KR5453 Kroger Dispatch Unit Promotional Cost is required when Item Submission Reason Code is populated. Item (10858466006114)
  • KR5454 Geographic Regions Item Can be Supplied To is required when Item Submission Reason Code is populated. Item (10858466006114)
  • KR5455 Hierarchy Level Product Type is required when Item Submission Reason Code is populated. Item (10858466006114)
  • KR5456 Distribution Type by Region is required when Item Submission Reason Code is populated. Item (10858466006114) I INPUT ALL REGIONS DID NOT SAVE.
  • KR5457 Division is required when Item Submission Reason Code is populated. Item (10858466006114)




When filling in the Geographic Region information for Kroger please be sure to click on the icon that shows a piece of paper with a green plus sign on it. You would click this after adding in the Geographic Region and Distribution Type by Region sections to add this row. 


Have a good week!