05-22-2023 10:29 AM
When uploading my FUSE sheet, I am receiving the following error.
1297 : GTIN for Point of Sale (gs1TradeItemIdentificationKey/value) must be a valid 12 digits when GTIN for Point of Sale Type Code is set to "GTIN_12".
I have double checked my GTIN and it is the 12 digits.
05-22-2023 10:47 AM
Hello @RobinSnyder can you tell us what the actual GTIN value you have is?
05-22-2023 10:50 AM
05-22-2023 11:16 AM
Hello @RobinSnyder and thanks for that info. It looks like the check digit for your GTIN is not Correct. You can use the GS1 Check Digit Calculator to determine the last digit for any type of UPCm GTIN, GLN, etc: