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Difference between End Availability Date/Time and Discontinued Date?

New Contributor

Does anyone know what is the difference between 'End Availability Date/Time' and 'Discontinued Date'? 
I see discontinued date in 1WS DSD, but I do not see 'End Availability Date/Time in DSD.
Is there a counterpart for 'End Availability Date/Time' in 1WS DSD?
Should 'End Availability Date/Time in 1WS be equal to the discontinued date?





4 Replies


Hello, @patrickoba

Thank you for reaching out to our customer community. Welcome.

After checking the Participant Dictionary ( you can download it here: ) I see the attribute "End Availability Date/Time" is mapped in DSD and can be found using the name "S1ENDAVL". 

Please let me know if that helped or if you would need additional help. Thanks!




New Contributor

I cannot find S1ENDAVL in DSD, what tab would that be under in DSD?


Thank you for your reply! 

I am reviewing and will advise the moment I have anything to share.

Thank you!

New Contributor

hi @patrickoba 

If you can't find End Avail Date (S1ENDAVL) in your DSD UI, the likely reason is your DSD "View" (assigned to your user profile, which controls the attributes you see) does not have End Avail Date on it.   

You must ask your DSD administrator to activate End Avail Date (if not already) and add it to the necessary DSD "Views".   Once this is done, you will need to rebuild your DSD cache and it will be available.

Hope this helps.