09-19-2023 09:23 AM
We have received a request to adjust a double skid formula in Albertson's Product Introduction (or in 1World Sync if possible).
How to fix it?
For example in Albertson's system it shows 8x3 = 24 cases (Ti \Hi) but it has to show 8x3 x 2 = 48 cases ( double stack).
Thank you in advance.
09-19-2023 11:30 AM
I want to understand, you are trying to update the TI/HI for Albertsons? Can you provide the GTIN of the published case? I can review the item for you.
09-19-2023 12:27 PM
Hi, yes. I am doing it for Albertson's on their request. I guess it would be logically to fix it in their PI as we sell this item to other customers also. The request is from Albertson's only.
Our product code is GTIN 00773479404012.
Thank you!
Thank you!
09-19-2023 12:34 PM
Hello, @Kateryna when I look in IM I can see this GTIN but it is set up as a case only right now but is published. Do they want you to update this hierarchy and re-send it? If so, this could help...
09-19-2023 01:13 PM
Thank you.
My concern is that this item was also published to Kroger, this item setup took lots of efforts from both sides...My manipulation with the item withdrawing can trigger their setups in Kroger VIP.
Also this item is actively sold to Albertson's at this moment, if i withdraw the item and it will take 25 hours it will cause serious delays in ordering the product.
Is there any possibility to make changes in PI as it is specific to them?
Thank you.
09-19-2023 01:18 PM
Hello @Kateryna those are all good points. I want to make sure we are talking apples to apples so let's use the GDSN packaging types so I do not mislead you in any way. You say "skid" but your item in IM is a Case. Are you saying you need a new configuration that updates this Case only configuration or do you need a new one? What does skid mean to you?
09-26-2023 12:07 PM
We sell our bakery products in cases, that's right.
This item has pallet configuration Ti 8 and Hi 3 x 2 ("double stack" - (we also call it " double skid") that means one full pallet is put on top of another- we use it to save floor space in truck).
So, our customers are encouraged to buy either 24 cases per pallet (that is 8X3 as one regular pallet) or 48 cases (8X3 x2 as double stack).
Albertson's buy it as 48 cases (double stack) and require that this value (48 cs) flow into thier system.
I guess, there has to be an additional (optional) attribute somewhere, where we can indicate "Hi xTi x 2" value...
As of now we found the solution just indicating all this as Hi 8 and Ti 6 (it came out 48 cs in Albertson's PI). But we have to be aware how to proceed correctly when we have the same question...
Thank you ahead for your answer.