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Upload mass GTINs in half the time. Use the Load Sheet (FUSE) tool to add, modify, link, and publish items more efficiently from 1 single point.
Course overview:
The Load Sheet (FUSE) tool is a customized Microsoft Excel spreadsheet designed for those suppliers actively using 1WorldSync’s Item Management (IM) platform for product data syndication to their trading partners.
Suppliers who are tasked with uploading mass numbers of Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs) can do so more efficiently through the Load Sheet (FUSE) to maintain a MASTER version of data they want to incrementally add, link, and publish to IM from 1 single point of upload. Gain a live demonstration of how to upload and export the Load Sheet (FUSE) via IM to meet individual product data needs throughout the full item lifecycle.
Learning takeaways:
Walk away with:
The technical know-how to save time managing mass quantities of product data for GDSN syndication purposes through the use of the Load Sheet (FUSE) in 1WorldSync Item Management (IM).
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