101 Basic: RPA - Currys Manufacturer and Supplier Content Portal Training - Register by clicking HERE
As a Retail Program Affiliate (RPA) for the Currys Program, you will be required to provide product information, either as a Manufacturer or a Supplier. We encourage you to take this course on the RPA instance of the PartnerAccess platform for the Currys Extended Range Program to get you started.
Course overview:
During this 1 hour webinar, we will go through the Welcome Pack for an extended understanding of the program developed together by 1WorldSync and Currys.
As a Manufacturer, we will explain how to answer Missing Information Requests, request updates or corrections for existing products, and anticipate your future product launches.
As a Supplier, we will teach you how to fill in the Product Setup Unit (PSU) form for each product requested for setup by Currys.
Learning takeaways:
- Learn to navigate the partneraccess.com RPA Instance for Currys (Manufacturers and Suppliers)
- Answer missing information requests and submit content for updates and corrections (Manufacturers)
- Proactively provide product content to our production teams to anticipate future launches (Manufacturers)
- Fill in the Product Setup Unit (PSU) Form (Suppliers)
Participating in this training is the best approach to getting started with RPA for Currys on partneraccess.com.