08-03-2022 01:16 PM
I have received below CIC error for DOT foods,What needs to be done to solve below error?
GTIN10015100000314 GDSN Length(13.3 INH) is not within DRY GOODS tolerance of (4.0%) - cubiscan value (12.6772 INH)
08-03-2022 02:11 PM
When I look at that GTIN in the Recipient Responses report, I also see this message for Merchants Foodservice:
GTIN: 00000446582702 Required data missing: Individual Unit Min, Individual Unit Min UOM, Individual Unit Max, Individual Unit Max UOM
In the Sync Status Report, I see the error you reported here. I recommend you take a look at your volume values. In other words, does the math work out correctly? You have a Pallet/Case/Each configuration. Do your values multiplied by the qty contained in each level work out?