In Pre-Prod under GLN 0058300000015 GTIN 00065633422889 is showing a registration status of In process. In the past these have to be fixed by the 1WS technical team. Can they please fix this item? And do we know what causes this?
In Pre-Prod for GLN 0058300000015 I have 3 GTIN's with a GDSN Registration status of "in Progress". Please resolve these.
We are beginning to research the effort required to share Organic Certificates. We know that the Digital Asset Type Code = Organic Certificate. I can't find any documentation on the naming conventions or the other attribution that is required whe...
For IP GLN 0016000110007 we have been unable to send files via AS2 since Thursday 5/2. Were changes implemented? We have tried MODIFY messages, LINK and PUBLICATION.
In Pre-Prod, on GLN 0058300000015 the GTIN 00065633134157 has registration status of "in Progress". We have tried re-sending this and it does not resolve. Please advise.
If I am reading these correctly, we would have to change the current certificate from a pdf to a jpeg. Then we would follow the naming conventions of an on package certification mark? an example would be 00016000227279_L7. Is that correct?
Can I get an update? I have an E-mail from Daniel Venard saying that this is complete, but when I look in the Pre-Prod Web UI it is still "in Progress"
Daniel Venard commented:
Hi Tara,
I see that GTIN 00065633134430 is registered under Pre-Prod GLN...